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New article: Drag & Drop emails on a .Net application from Outlook with attachments
Published date: Friday, April 8, 2016
On: Moer and Éric Moreau's web site

I answered a question last week on Experts Exchange where the guy needed to be able to drag an email from Outlook and drop it on his application. From there, the application needed to be able to detach any attachment it has.

Back in May 2008, I wrote an article that was doing the first part of it; the part enabling an application to be able to handle a message drop from Outlook. I was missing the process of detaching the attachments.

This month article will complete the requirements.

You can read the article from http://emoreau.com/Entries/Articles/2016/04/Drag--Drop-emails-on-a-Net-application-from-Outlook-with-attachments.aspx

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