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Scripting your Microsoft SQL Server database objects
Published date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009
On: Moer and Éric Moreau's web site

This month, I will provide you another very helpful tool if you are working with Microsoft SQL Server databases. This tool generates the scripts to create database objects (stored procedures, tables, views, user-defined functions, and user-defined types).

This is useful in at least 2 scenarios. The first scenario where it is very useful is to be able to track the changes to the databases objects over the time, it would be possible to revert your database to a previous state. The second scenario that you will probably use the most is to find where a particular object or field is used. Because the scripts are all persisted into a table of a distinct database, it is very easy to query that table for that specific object or field name.

So what it is?

This month project was created using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 referencing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 components. It would be easy for you to use this code in VS2005 as no new .Net Framework 3.5 features are used. Also, if you have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (instead of 2008), you could change the references and it would work exactly the same.

Lucky are C# developers. The downloadable solution also contains a C# version of this project.

I run this application from the Windows scheduler on a daily basis around 2 AM. I run it once for each database I have. It starts by loading the latest scripts for a particular database, then create the current script and detect if that script has changed or not (and only save the new version if it has changed).

I created it has Windows application (even if I launch it from the Windows scheduler) because it is a lot easier to debug. It has a very simple interface (a Button and a ListBox for debugging).

Starting the tool

You may have already guessed that because the application is normally launched using the Windows scheduler and that it can be used against many different databases, you will need to pass arguments to this application.

I won’t explain this topic here because I have published a complete article on that subject titled “Passing arguments to an application start up” last November.

This application takes many arguments as you can see in the figure 1.


Figure 1: The arguments

Here is the list of the various arguments you can pass to this application:

Arguments Usage
/? Displays the message box shown in figure 1
/Server= The name of the Microsoft SQL Server (2005 or 2008) to which you want to connect.
/UID= (Optional) The user ID to connect to the server. If you want to use the integrated security, do not use this argument.
/PWD= (Optional) The password to connect to the server. If you don’t set any user ID, do not use this argument
/Database= The name of the database from which you want to script objects. This database needs to exist.
/ScriptDatabase= The name of the database that will contain the script text. If this database does not exist, it will be created automatically when you start the application and it will also create the table that will contain the scripts (named TB_sysDBscripts). This database has to be on the same server as the first database.
/Tasks= A comma separated list of the objects you want to be scripted. It can be any combination of one or more from SPROC, TABLE, UDF, UDT, VIEW (if you know SQL Server objects, you know what those acronyms are!).

The arguments are not case-sensitive and you can provide them in any order you want.

For those who are looking the code, you will find the parsing of the command line arguments in the GetCommandLineArgs method.

After the arguments have been parsed, the form will be displayed only if there is anything to do. The only thing that the form does is to launch the real code which is in the cDBScripts class and display statuses in its ListBox.

So how do we script objects?

This is the interesting part of this article. The cDBScripts class contains only 2 public methods. The first method is named Connect and, as its name implies, it connects to the SQL Server. It also creates an instance of a Database object from which we will read objects. And finally it checks if the database that will contains the scripts exist (and creates the database and the table if it doesn’t).

Instead of using plain-old ADO.Net objects, I use Microsoft SQL Server objects because those provide us all the required method to generate scripts very easily. As you can see in figure 2, there are 4 components to add to your project’s references.


Figure 2: References to the required SQL Server components

The other public method is named DoTasks. This is the method that will create the scripts for the tasks required by the command line. Each kind of object (SPROC, TABLE, UDF, UDT, VIEW) branches to a different private method because each one is a bit different from the other while being very similar.

The pattern is always the same. We first need to loop through all the objects of a particular type. For example, this is the code you need to loop through all the stored procedures of the current database:

Private Sub ProcessStoredProcs()
    RaiseEvent ProcessingObject("Stored Procedures", "", "")
    For Each objX As StoredProcedure In Me.Database.StoredProcedures
        If Not objX.IsSystemObject Then
            CheckScript(objX.Name, ScriptStoredProc(objX))
        End If
End Sub
This method requires some explanation for more clarity. The RaiseEvent statement is to be able to display the status in the ListBox of the form and also to persist it in the log file (trhough the listener object). Me.Database is a property of the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database type containing a reference to database specified in the arguments. This property is filled in the Connect method. StoredProcedures is a collection of all the stored procedures of the current database. You have other collection like this one to fulfill everything this project supports in the TASK argument. Once we have an instance of the stored procedure collection, we can inspect it to see if it is system object (using the IsSystemObject property) because I am not interested by those objects. If it is not a system object I then call the ScriptStoredProc method (which is a function returning the script of the current stored procedure) and pass this script to the CheckScript method.

The ScriptStoredProc method has the following code:

Public Function ScriptStoredProc(ByVal pStoredProc As StoredProcedure) As String
    Dim opt As New ScriptingOptions
    opt.DriAll = True
    opt.Default = True
    opt.Indexes = True
    opt.ClusteredIndexes = True
    opt.NonClusteredIndexes = True
    opt.ExtendedProperties = True
    opt.Triggers = True

    Dim col As Specialized.StringCollection = pStoredProc.Script(opt)
    Dim en As Specialized.StringEnumerator = col.GetEnumerator
    Dim objSB As New System.Text.StringBuilder(5000)

    While en.MoveNext
    End While

    Return objSB.ToString
End Function
After having set a couple of script options, we simply need to call the Script method of the StoredProcedure object and retrieve its text into a string builder (which is faster than a string when concatenating strings). The hardest job is all done by the very useful Script method.

The CheckScript method (download the code to see it) compares the script just generated with all the current scripts to determine its state (new, modified, or unchanged). If the state is new or modified, a SQL query is created to add this script to the database. In order to save roundtrips to the server, this query is concatenated to all the others and will be sent in batch at the end.

After all the tasks have created their scripts, the DetectDeletedObjects is called to create DELETE queries for objects that no longer exist in the database.

Finally, the UpdateDatabase is called to run the big string containing all the modifications. This is where your table in your script database will get updated.

A note on the listener

If you have opened the code, you probably found many Trace.WriteLine statements. Because this application runs through the Windows scheduler, we need some help when we find that the application is not running as supposed and/or to keep the trace of the execution. Once again, I won’t explain how tracing and listeners are working because I have already did that in November 2003 in an article titled “Code diagnostic (an article on tracing and debugging)”.

Deploying your application

If you need to deploy this application on a computer that does not have SQL Server 2008 already installed (it may have a previous version like SQL 2005), you will need to install some requirements. You will find 2 installation packages that are installing these requirements from Microsoft Downloads.

  • Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Objects

Install these 2 packages and your application should work like a charm!

Querying the scripts database

Now that you have the script for your entire database object in a table of your database, it is very easy to query that table to satisfy all your ad hoc queries. Here are 3 typical queries for you to extract some data of that table.

This first query shows how to list all the modifications on a particular object (in this case the Applications table) of a specific database (in this case the Security_PRD database):

FROM TB_sysDBscripts
WHERE scriptDBName = 'Security_PRD'
AND scriptName = 'Applications'
ORDER BY scriptDateTime DESC 
You could also want to retrieve the latest versions of all the objects in a database. This query does exactly that:
FROM TB_sysDBscripts AS S1
WHERE S1.scriptDBName = 'Security_PRD'
AND S1.scriptID = (
	FROM TB_sysDBscripts 
	WHERE scriptDBName = S1.scriptDBName
	AND scriptName = S1.scriptName)
ORDER BY S1.scriptName
Last but not least, this query list the latest version of all objects of that are referencing a particular keyword (IDUser in this case):
FROM TB_sysDBscripts AS S1
WHERE S1.scriptDBName = 'Security_PRD'
AND S1.scriptText LIKE '%IDUser%'
AND S1.scriptID = (
	FROM TB_sysDBscripts 
	WHERE scriptDBName = S1.scriptDBName
	AND scriptName = S1.scriptName)
ORDER BY S1.scriptName
Your imagination is your only limitation on how you can query your data!


This is a very useful tool; at least it is for me.

Using the Managements Objects component provided with SQL Server itself, scripting an object is really easy.

And now that you have all your scripts into a table, using T-SQL to query gives you enough flexibility to query this valuable source of information.

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