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Another way to manipulate Excel files
Published date: Sunday, January 4, 2009
On: Moer and Éric Moreau's web site

My last post of 2008 was about an Excel library. Coincidentally, my first post of 2009 will be about another Excel library.

This time it is about a free library available on CodePlex: http://www.codeplex.com/ExcelPackage. This library uses the System.IO.Packaging class of the .Net Framework 3.0 that I have introduced in http://www.emoreau.com/Entries/Articles/2008/08/Introducing-SystemIOPackaging.aspx. This library is useful to manipulate Excel 2007 spreadsheets (forget older versions here). Keyvan Nayyeri wrote an article on how to use this library which is available from http://nayyeri.net/blog/use-excelpackage-to-manipulate-open-xml-excel-files/.

Every time I need to handle Excel files (of any versions), I use Aspose.Cells (http://www.aspose.com/categories/file-format-components/aspose.cells-for-.net-and-java/default.aspx).

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